Friday, 27 January 2012


Just some updates of progress of the film.
Filming will now commence in early February! We want it to be perfect so we have had to make alterations to dates for scripting purposes.
To keep you all excited about the project, we will now be posting concept artwork exclusively on the blog. We will be posting Drawing, doodles, collages, mind maps and everything creative we have prepared for the film.

To start us off, we have posted a concept sketch below. Be ready for more as January ends and February begins.

Coming May 2012

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Filming Begins!

After our successful submission of our Pre-Production paperwork, we now have clearance to start filming!

Filming starts at the end of January.

Whilst filming we will be updating our blog everyday with production shots and promotional stills.

Finally we will be releasing our Theatrical Trailer in early February!

Keep checking the blog, subscribe and follow us on Twitter @Detachmentfilm

Detachment  |  May 2012  |
© Bright Lights Films UK 2012